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2024-07-16 17:43| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、Welcome! Welcome! What are they? What are these buildings made of? Whats the use? greenhouse / glassA greenhouse is used for_, especially during _ weather.growing plantscold What are they? What are th_ the heat from the sunkeeps it from _ the air upHow does a greenhouse work?trapsescapingheats_ the

2、heat from the sunkeeNew WordsRandom PhenomenonSubscribe Fuel Data CatastropheTrend opposed胡乱的现象同意燃料数据大灾难趋势反对的New WordsRandom Fast Reading Who wrote the magazine article? The name of the magazine? What is mainly discussed in the passage?What are the names of the three scientists mentioned in the arti

3、cle?Fast Reading Who wrote the magSkimmingSkim the title: THE EARTH IS BECOMING WARMER BUT DOES IT MATTER?What is the main topic?The earth. B. Global warming. C. Becoming warmer doesnt matter. SkimmingSkim the title: What iWhere does this article most probably come from?Newspaper B. Novel C. Magazin

4、e Where does this article most pWho wrote the article?What is the name of the magazine?Skim the first paragraph: Sophie ArmstrongEarth CareWho wrote the article?What is What are the names of the three scientists mentioned in the article?Dr Janice Foster, Charles Keeling, George Hambley What are the

5、names of the thre3.What is mainly discussed in the passage?A. What has caused the global warming and whether it matters.B. What effects of the global warming will be.C. How serious the global warming could be.D. What the global warming is.3.What is mainly discussed in The organization of the article

6、: IntroductionA titleBodyConclusionThe organization of the articlSkim the body part(7 paras): Para. 1Para. 2-3IIIPara. 4-6IIIPara. 7IVIntroduction Body ConclusionSkim the body part(7 paras): PMatch the main idea of each part: Explain how global warming comes about. Two different attitudes among scie

7、ntists towards the consequences of global warming. Introduce the problem of global warming. Give a warning and raise a question for the readers to think over.I (1)II (2-3)III (4-6)IV (7)Match the main idea of each paPart II(Para2-3)Everyone believes that global warming is caused by the activities of

8、 humans.Janice Foster believes that she can measure the future global rise in temperature.Greenhouse Gases are totally bad.FTFPart II(Para2-3)Everyone belie1. Greenhouse effect is a natural p_. _ amounts of Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. But the problem begins when we add huge q of extra carbon

9、 dioxide to the atmosphere. Therefore, more heat energy is t in the atmosphere causing the global temperature to _. Fill in the blanks about the causes of Greenhouse effect.henomenon uantities rapped go upSmall1. Greenhouse effect is a natuPara 4. the levels of carbon dioxide have increased greatly

10、over the last 100 to 150 yearsWho made accurate measurements of the amount of carbon dioxide?2. How much has increased?Charles KeelingThe carbon dioxide in the atmosphere went up from around 315 parts to around 370 parts per million.Para 4. the levels of carbon dPara 5. How high will the temperature

11、 go?The amount of warming could be as low as 1 to 1.5 degrees Celsius, but it could be as high as 5 degrees.Para 5. How high will the tempWhat do Dr. Janice Foster and the scientist George Hambley think about the consequences of global warming? Do they agree with one another?Para 6 They dont agree w

12、ith each other. Dr. Janice Foster thinks it is serious.George Hambley thinks global warming will be mild with few bad environmental consequences. What do Dr. Janice Foster and Does global warming matter?Positive effects Negative effects Does global warming matter?Poscause the sea level to risesevere

13、 stormsfloodsdroughtsfaminesthe spread of diseasesdisappearance of speciesPositive effects Negative effects cause the sea level to risePoscause the sea level to risesevere stormsfloodsdroughtsfaminesthe spread of diseasesdisappearance of speciesPositive effects Negative effects make plants grow quickercrops will produce morea greater range of animalsmake life bettercau






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